10 Tips To Play Golf As A Professional

Popularly regarded as a game for the elites, Golf has become a symbol of status and power. It’s increasing popularity throughout the world has thinned the boundary between who can afford to play this game and who cannot. However, playing golf can be super fun also. While the odds of reaching the position of a professional player are quite low in Golf, and though it may take a lot of practice and time to enter the league of professional golf players, here's how you can increase your chances step. And even if you don't enter the league, you can at least give the pro golfers a hard time in the game by playing like them. We are here presenting you with the top 10 tips to play golf like a professional. With these tips, you’re sure to level up your game. You can thank us later!

Use custom-made Golf Clubs

If you think pro-golfers randomly select their club sets and head out to play, you're wrong. Clubs for professionals are tailored as per their suitability. These clubs are customized according to their height and hand size to maximize the grip while taking care of its swing mechanics and many more aspects. So the first tip for playing like a pro would be to adjust the specs of your golf set with the help of credible club fitters out there.

Focus on warm-up

Rushing through things serves no good to anyone, and pro-golfers understand this very well. They practice a few putts to get familiar with the speed of the plane and also try their short wedge and full swing shots. To play golf like a pro, arrive early to the putting green to warm-up your tee game.

Check your alignment

If you are a right–hand golfer, while holding the club, you should align your shoulders and feet just a little towards the left side of the target line. In case of being left-handed, align towards the right side. This simple tip will go a long way to help you, so you don't shoot off the target.

Practice your swing shot

The key difference between an amateur and a pro- golf player is how they swing their clubs. While the former aim for a slicer, the latter swing their clubs off the ground on a level plane and square it after landing. To avoid slicing, practice your shot on a more flatter plane and create more arm swing by hovering the headshot just a few inches above the flatter ground.

Balance to hold your golf finish

 For every shot, balance your body’s weight and posture by following the pro tip of ‘Statue Finish.' Each full swing should be finished off with your eyes on the target line, toeing your back foot and holding your position for 3-5 seconds after teeing up the ball. Also, control the upper-body rotation by facing the target for an efficient swing.

Practice your short game, draws and fades

To play like a pro, train yourself in the short game, such as putting, by trying out various techniques that are available to better your putting stance, suiting best with your playing style. To maintain control over the ball, pro-golfers often hit the draws and fades deliberately. Practice them to get a good grip on the club. 

Track the ball’s distance

Professional golfers are trained enough to make out the distance the ball has traveled. With various GPS devices or even laser ones, you can get a fair idea of the distance and make appreciate choices for club selection to get the right distance.

Get an in-depth understanding of the rules

Are you familiar with Golf Lingo like 'unplayable lie,' 'out of bounds,' 'Double Bogey? If no, then you need to learn them thoroughly. All pro golfers know their rules perfectly and have even modified them uniquely. Learning these rules will only help you in acing the game like a pro.

Train with a Professional

What’s common between a pro and an amateur player? That is a coach. No matter how much you learn the rules, you cannot become good at the game without getting to practice with a coach at golf courses nearby. Their guidance and useful tips can help you in becoming a professional player.

Travel in style like a pro

 For you to make your impression as a professional player, you can’t just go out and play in your usual self. To be a professional, you should at least look like one. Observe the pros and how they travel in their stylish golf outfits to ensure your makeover is also class apart.

Try following these tips to play golf like a pro in no time.