14 Great Psychological Tips When Playing Golf

Everyone finds golf not easy to play as well as master it. This sport request a lot of persistence and patience in order to practice it to be a good player. Today, AllTimesGolf will highlight 14 psychological tips for those who want to achieve a better score on the challenging golf course.

Tip #1: How to make the best first tee box start.

The first tee box can often stress golfers out, which inevitably affects the swing. The trick is: take things slow. Walk slowly, speak slowly, breathe slowly, move slowly, and think slowly.

Tip #2: Mind and body warm-up

If you aspire to hit a hole in one, you need to be focused during the entire game. Therefore, you ought to flex your body with several warm-up exercises. That helps you prevent serious injuries such as cramps, sprains, or ruptured ligaments. Besides, you should wake your mind up, relax and chill. Experts recommend doing meditation about 20-30 minutes before entering the golf. 

warm-up-  psychological tips for playing golf

Tip #3: Choose a club when hitting

For amateur golfers, it is totally normal when their contact with the ball is not good, and not to achieve a fixed distance like on the course. So when choosing a club for on green, add more one size than usual, for example, with that distance you think you'll be able to hit an 8 iron, a 7 iron is great to you, because if you cut the ball, the ball can still be on the green or a little shorter. Moreover, if you hit it well, the ball will still stay over the green.

Tip #4: What to do when feeling stressed

When feeling stressed, take a deep breath and exhale slowly, singing softly, or humming in your neck. You repeat your own pick-up line over and over. Some people may smile, or laugh, thinking of some funny thing. Or you can do a few movements such as shaking your arms, relaxing, or flexing your legs. In a nutshell, what can help you get rid of stress without drawing attention to others?

Tip #5: Don't rush to hit

When you play with better players, they are on green with only 2 shots while you are difficult to get into the hole. All of these things make you fall into a hurry for fear of others waiting for a long time and even being failed. You'd rather walk slowly but surely than get stuck in one point. When you're in front of the ball, however, slow down, do something light to relieve the stress, draft a few times, visualize the shot, the trajectory, and position of the ball, and hit the shot. But don't hesitate that causes other people uncomfortable.

Tip #6: Keep your head from lifting prematurely

Every golfer loves to turn left to see his ball roll into the hole or fly away. This makes you lift your head early. Note here that you do not lift your head, but your head must still rotate according to your shoulders. Instead of trying to hold back to keep your head from lifting prematurely, listen.

- Listen to the sound of the ball falling into the hole

- Listen to the sound of the club head hitting the ball

After hearing this noise, only and only then do you look where you want to ignore you. If you pay attention to the sound, your head will stay in a natural position and your body will not stiffen, your swing will be smoother.

Tip #7: Tighten then release

You have tried many methods but still, get slices, try this trick. On the ball for a draft, squeeze your hands as tight as you can, then relax your hands completely, then swing for a draft, then hit the ball. You will see amazing things happen.

This tip can also be applied to all parts of your body when you're stressed. Squeeze as hard as you can, then release.

Tip #8: From near to far

You practice putting starting about 15cm from the hole, then moving further 15cm away, and so on until you miss the put, then you return to the position 15cm away from the hole. This will help you feel confident and stress-free after going out on the court with long put distances.

This tip also applies to short games or shots hitting the green. Hit from near to far away.

Tip #9: Draft swing and real swing

You can see many golfers swing beautifully and very well, but when it comes to playing it is completely different, this is because we are affected by the ball. Try this trick: On the training ground, you plug 2 tees about 15cm apart. Put the ball on the 2nd tee, the 1st tee is empty. On the ball, swing on the first tee as if you had the ball. Then immediately hit the ball and hit the second tee with the same swing. When hitting doesn't pay attention to the ball, focus on the tee.

Tip #10: How to make chips better

Don't think about hitting the ball, think about hitting the hole. Before the chip, visualize the balloon flying in the air and falling at a specified point, and then rolling into the hole. Apply this visualization to all short game shots, and you'll see great results.

psychological tips for playing golf

Tip #11: How to hit a good long club

To hit the longs well, start with the 7 or 8 short iron that you feel most confident with. Practice some balls with an 8 iron, then switch to a long iron but with a shorter grip. Practice until you feel comfortable and connected.

Tip #12: How to increase clubhead speed

This trick is called “The Swinging Rope”. I imagined my arms like two ropes and swung them around my body. I try to remove all tension, relax my arms completely and let them "swish" around my body. When I was completely relaxed I knew I was ready to hit. This will help me keep my hands and arms relaxed, and increase clubhead speed.

Tip #13: How to “grooves” your swing

Grooving means training your club to move along a fixed invisible track, which is formed by habit and muscle memory. Here's the trick: Close your eyes when practicing with iron, wood, or put.

You can also use this trick while you're on the court and you're not playing well. Close your eyes and swing a few times.

Tip #14: How to make practicing on the field more enjoyable

On the training ground, imagine yourself hitting Par 5, which is 545 yards long. Then you split the club and hit the target on the green. For example, driver you hit 250, then you take a 5 iron and hit 170, and finally hit a 125 yard . And so on with different Pars and different lengths. You will feel less bored.