8 Worst Things You Should Never Say On The Golf Course

Do you want to put your best foot on a golf course? Here are eight things you should never do, no matter how exciting it is.

1. Never call the stockbroker/plumber/hairdresser.

For some reason, cell phones are banned in most general and private courses. This is the most fun for others when you hear yourself talk and unfortunately, it can distract your playmates from your game. The best thing you can do is take a good look at your phone while others are busy drinking. In this fast-paced digital age, why not take the opportunity to go offline, focus on your game and stay in the "moment" bathroom.

2- Never lighten the bathroom unless there is an emergency

Sometimes urination can be tolerated during the course. We bring to the attention a boy who needs a duck or a poorly organized duck behind a tree. However, people, what kind of risk to take, are unacceptable. Be sure to check out the course card or inquire at the Nawaz shop about bathrooms.

3. Never cheat

We all got a chance to correct our lies without falling into the field of view of the game's partners. The basic and beautiful truth about golf, though, is the commitment we share about honesty, so when you can think about it - don't do it!

One day, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a good friend knocking on his ball. He suggested that we all be busy taking pictures of ourselves. Unfortunately, every time I play with him, I see him miraculously lose bullets and take superhuman shots, fearing what looks like an impossible lie when I can swear. One of his abuses many years ago forever affected my sports relationship with him. He's still a great guy but I do not believe it and I think I have to watch his game.

As PG told Woodhouse, "Golf is a fallacy. Anyone who only knows God is watching him and playing the ball where he is playing is who you are." Loyalty will serve well. Dangerous. Never look for lost balls when there is so much dangerous wildlife.

Many years ago in Western Australia, the cut of the first tee reminded me of this "never". We were like kids in a candy store; it was a collection of nearby golf balls and we enjoyed sketching until another Doc stood up in a rough paw. Our joy waned in horror as the starter approached us with the slogan "Snake, snake." We could not see any small sign advising us to stay away from garbage.

The Copper Head course in Ann Brook is beginner, but it is specially mentioned for its size and desire to sunbathe for miles. These people may look polite and interested, but they can turn on the crown and pick up the pace. And while the cactus is not wild, beware of jumping off rocks in Mount Dave, Arizona. Every movement in the area activates the ability to fly in the desert and assimilate to the part of the body that seems to be fair game!

5. Never swear

I'm not careful and can shoot F-bombs when appropriate. Golf courses are not the only place. Whether you do 3 more seizures or get drunk - support for bulk researchers does little for your sport or the people around you. In part, the golf course requires a special "neck" and will help your ability to roll the game with cold heads and fists.

6. Do not leave the service onboard or the height limit without doing something to do so.

Your ball may have never been hit by an irreplaceable service that sits like lost hair. Replace, repair, break and/or grind according to the municipality's expectations.

7- Never think that everyone except you is lazy!

Be very knowledgeable in methodologies and courses. Ready to play ball when it's your turn? Did you leave your luggage for the maximum time? The guy who catches the ball finds the glove, puts it on, adjusts his pants, pulls out a distance meter, and throws loose grass to test the wind, and his practice changes stick several times before the swing is slow. Friends are reluctant to point this out, but we must all be well aware of our ankle behavior that affects the speed of the game.

8. Never come to a nightclub or golf club ready for the gym.

Whether you're hacking into a community course or you're invited to a private club, check out your dress code. Every club has one. If in doubt, be conservative and do not do DQ'd on clothes! Go online and see what this profession is or even better, go to the club's website and meet the expectations of the dress