Basics Of Golf Etiquette, Rules And Glossary Every Beginner Should Know

Golf is one of the most popular sport loved by a lot of sport-lovers, now is the best time for you to start golf. The best part of this can be picked up at any time and paid for a lifetime. Whether you're playing a game or starting from scratch (not table tennis), it's best to understand the basic golf rules at the beginning of your golf journey.


When bathtubs are available:

  • Remember that the Caddy program is a great way for teens to make money and develop a sport in which they can enjoy and shape their characters.
  • A good father can make this goal more enjoyable if he gives you tips that can lower your score.
  • Provides information on the good courtyard, club selection, green reading, and course setting.


Try to arrive early to give yourself a decent warm-up time. But small, medium, and long shackled bags and then continue along the forest. Green It is better to hit some softballs and some things before you turn green. Don't hit hundreds of balls or drop your game in training.

First Tee

Check the scorecard for local rules.

Laws Local laws only apply to the specific course you are playing. If you recommend team-mate play, it's best to make sure everyone is in the game. Make sure you mark your ball and tell other players what type and how many balls you are playing with.

Slowly avoid the game

If your group does not meet the speed of the group game in front of you: she is running at a reasonable speed between strokes. Study the force and direction of the wind and plan your next shot as you get closer to the ball. When you get to your ball, check the lie, choose your club, imagine your swing and stroke, and then play the strokes.

Course maintenance

  • Divots Change your tasks.
  • The lawn explodes on impact, making it difficult, if not impossible, to replace the fur.

1- You - You can loosen the edges of the shoe with the tip of the shoe.

2- Many courses often put soil/seed mixture containers in their cars and tea. If so, just fill in the blanks with the mixture.

  • Bring a grid to the bunker - near the baller, always remember to enter the bunker from below.
  • Avoid entering the bunker stand area if possible.
  • Shot After hitting your shot, mark all your markers as well as all the others who arrive from your location.
  • The Akes grid should be left either in the vicinity or in the bunker.

On the green, remember

  • Rows don't step on your teammates - the imaginary line connecting the ball to the hole.
  • When your ball is on the player's line, volunteer to mark the ball.
  • If your ball is not too far from the cup: Mark your ball with a plastic marker or with old coins such as small, thin, deep coins.
  • Ball After marking your ball, hold it by touching your heel by holding your foot at a 90-degree angle.
  • Move the marker from heel to toe. Rotate the method to return the ball to its original position.
  • Don't move or move where you can change teammates.
  • Don't make noise when your partner is preparing to stop.
  • If you do not have pepper and have been asked to hang the flag, make sure you are not standing in line.


  • If you hit a stroke in the woods and suspect it is lost or out of bounds, the rules of golf allow you to play a second or temporary ball.
  • You are now three minutes from where you suspect the ball is, looking for the ball. If it is not found within three minutes, you must declare it missing and hit one of your temporary balls with a penalty.
  • However, if you are playing a temporary ball and then find your original ball bound, you must make your choices and keep playing the original ball bound.
  • The penalty and distance penalty is estimated for balls beyond the limit of the stroke. "
  • A full discussion of the rules of golf can be found on the USGA website.
  • For safety reasons, never hit when you have a chance to get ahead of your group and when you hit a shot that you think would hit another player. Even if there is a distant opportunity, immediately "far" and a point where you must apologize to any player who approaches your ball.

Unpaid lies, cart paths, and water hazards

  • When your group stops for refreshments, either on the turn (the end of the nine holes) or after the round, volunteer and buy drinks for caddies
  • At the end of the round, shake hands with your teammates, congratulate the winners, reassure the losers, and thank their company. At the end of the day, the greatest joy in the game is the time you spend with your friends, be they old friends or new friends you've just made through the game.