Golf Tips And Tricks: 10 Short Game Tricks To Instantly Lower Your Score

With golf being increasingly popular as a sport, many people are interested in learning how to master the game.

Unlike many sports where mores hits lead to higher scores and improves your chances to win a game, here it is the opposite of sorts. In this, the player needs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in a few strokes instead.

Naturally, many people would falter in this due to the difficulties in doing so be it in the terrain they play in or in their techniques. While the former is almost impossible for it to leave, improving in the latter is a more practical alternative.

This can be done by either a coach or on your own through self-learning.

10 short game tricks to lower your score

Here are some tips which can instantly lower your golf score:

1. Toes Turned In

On putt, the lower body is likely to roll the golf ball on the line aimed and can be more consistent in controlling the distance as well. To improve the chances of staying still one can turn toes in. One will get forced to keep the lower body still as it limits your ability to move and turn.

2. Pace the putts

Controlling distance with putting is something new golfers are able to do so thanks to years of trial and error but for newer golfers or those who struggle, controlling distance can be helpful. Distance control can be simplified by adding one inch to backstroke for every foot of putt distance. It’s not perfect, but a pretty decent way of helping gauge distances.

3. Stroke and look

When putting, complete the stroke, hold the finish and then turn the eyes to see the ball rolling. This goes back to being still over the putting stroke to eliminate unnecessary and unwanted movement making it difficult to control distance and direction. To complete the stroke, hold the finish and once the ball is away, then turn to see it either go in or roll close to the pin on a longer putt.

4. Lean forward to put

One of the more frustrating moments is when the ball rolls just past the pin, off the edge of the green and settles into really deep rough. It can be tricky to hit a soft chip or pitch if just a couple of feet into the rough but one can put instead. For this, place ample weight on the forward foot and drop your forward shoulder to match. This extreme shoulder tilt toward the target changes the angle at which the putter head approaches the ball. This stance helps the putter peep down the back of the ball to have easier direct contact between the ball and the putter's face rather than a shallow, sweeping stroke. This extreme contact angle will cause the ball to jump a bit, usually clearing the longer grass and then when the ball lands onto the green it will start to roll normally. Once used to this, it is a great way of shaving strokes and also limits risk.

5. Short shots

Those really short chips and pitches can be challenging when it comes to getting distance control. To avoid this, shorten the lever, and less power will be delivered. The lower the hold on the club the shorter the golf ball will move. Hold the bottom of the grip, and if possible, come off of the grip and down to the shaft.

6. Chips and heel up

While hitting a chip shot, grip lower on the handle, narrow the stance and slightly lean your weight, club shaft and upper body forward toward the target. Often, many will incorrectly fall back and try to lift the golf ball. This can cause one to hit the ground before the ball or even top it, but the contact will still suffer. To avoid this, get all set up and then pick up the back heel and keep it up throughout the stroke. Now, an inclination to fall back can be avoided and try lifting the golf ball which would help to produce solid ball and turf contact. While this may be used as a drill, if it makes a big difference in contact, one might consider adding it to the on-course play.

7. Pitches

When hitting a pitch shot with a lob, sand or gap wedge, the bottom is rounded on purpose which is called a bounce. This design characteristic is built to allow the club to glide across the grass and not dig. When the club is set properly on the bottom where it doesn’t dig let it hit the ground to hit those high, soft, beautiful pitch shots. Setting this club properly on its bottom can look open, however it’s not. It’s lofted, which is just how it is wanted.

8. Speed and sand

Two major skills need to be a good bunker player: a lot of sand and generate lots of speed. One way to get good at this is to practice simply throwing sand out of the bunker and onto the grass. By taking the golf ball out of the scenario, proper motion can be practiced. Once there is a proper motion whenever one is in a bunker, keep it. Don’t change the technique, rather change the club selection instead. Higher lofted for closer shots and less loft for longer ones, but the motion remains the same.

9. Feet in the bunker

In a bunker, it is important to have the clubhead enter the sand before the ball and stay in the sand long enough to exit well after the ball. This becomes possible by understanding what needs to happen and also a proper setup as well. The more you dig the feet into the sand at the address, the more one can lower the bottom of the swing. If struggling with taking enough sand, the more one can dig the feet, the easier it will be to make a long divot for successful sand shots. Also, do really dig the feet is enough to make the soles of the shoes disappear.

10. 3 Steps: Putt, chip, pitch

One of the quickest ways to improve the score and short game is by choosing the least risky shot when possible. For this, the priority order for the short game: Putt whenever possible, chip when can’t putt, pitch only when needed. If one orders and stick to it while playing, one can limit the risk and also allow subtle misses to not show up on the scorecard.

Devoting some bit of time to practice and take lessons is a good thing and will pay off on the course, but having little “tricks” to help make better decisions and understand the basics can help see results immediately.

Read Also: 5 Advice from Elite Junior Golfer