How To Be Someone Others Want To Play With On The Golf Course

Having a miserable time playing golf can be even more frustrating if your partner is someone who doesn't make you feel good. It's not uncommon for most people reading this to enjoy playing golf recreationally, so be someone they look forward to playing with. You should know how to play golf properly. Keep clubs and temper tantrums to a minimum. Keep a positive attitude throughout your round and accept that bad shots are sometimes inevitable. Enjoy being around your buddies and playing your favorite sport. The worst day golfing is still better than the best day working.

Talking nonstop should also be avoided. Having a lot to say can help your game, but it can also be annoying and distracting for others. Take care when walking on the green. It's a sure way to make your opponent mad and avoid playing with him again by leaving cleat marks on his line.

Don't Throw Tantrums or Clubs

I agree with many of the old-fashioned etiquette rules of golf, but my take on golf etiquette may differ from others. My players, especially my juniors, have spoken to me several times about how much they enjoy playing with me.

It is a hard and time-consuming sport, and even nine holes will take you many hours. Those who yell at and tell themselves they're terrible and throw clubs are not fun to play with. The people in their group are constantly being ruined by those types of people. A man tossing his club into the pond after a terrible shot may be entertaining, but to have to deal with it for three or four hours straight is exhausting.

Be Generous

Make sure you are not that golfer who wants to wreak havoc. Not being generous will probably never get you a second chance to play. A gimme putt, also known as a tap-in putt, should be given to your opponent. You should not force them to putt if they have a tough 3-foot putt and you are not playing for money or you have already won the hole. Irrespective of whether you make the putt or not, missing short putts is humiliating enough. You are more likely to get just as generous in return if you are generous to your playing partner.

Sharing is Caring

You need to be ready to make friends with your partner, sharing stories or anything about golf to connect with them, it is necessary to have a good round game. You shouldn't be the kind of golfer who owns a golf GPS or rangefinder and won't let others use it. You likely won't have anyone to play with if you take the round so seriously. Make sure you can provide yardage to your playing partners. Unless you give them advance permission, they will likely decide at the beginning of the round no one can use such aids. You are not the only one who wants to be competitive, so do not ruin the fun for everyone.

Be Green

Mark your ball before you step onto the green, and do not step in other players' lines while on the green. The other thing you need to do is fix your ball marks. It amazes me to see so many ball marks left on the greens at the end of the day as I ride around the course. It is the right thing to let the group behind you play through if you are playing too slow on the course because they are waiting on every shot. Because people are frustrated and constantly hitting into groups, I do not want them to hit shots into groups.

Be Fun

Playing with someone who is fun is one way to ensure that you are invited back. You may want to make fun of yourself on a bad shot or tell a joke about it so people can join in the fun. Unless you've been asked, do not offer constructive criticism. The most important thing to remember is not to take it too seriously. While it is good to strive for perfect rounds every time you play, don't go too far when it comes to competition.

Have fun

Let me give you a few suggestions on what people can do to maximize their enjoyment of this great game. You may tee off from wherever you feel comfortable if you aren't playing in a league or match. The rules don't apply to when you play with a friend or family member just for fun - if teeing off from 200 yards is more exciting for you, then go for it. People will hit fewer shots to the hole and make more pars as a result. Golf is all about paying it forward, which is what Jack Nicklaus is known for.


Golf is an activity that can be enjoyed all day long. We should spend the day together, followed by a meal and a drink. You're increasing your friend's chances of wanting to come back to the clubhouse by ending a day of golf with a delicious meal.