Is Golf Just For The Rich?

Golf is often termed “rich man’s sport" primarily because of the cost it entails in buying the required equipment for the sport. However, we will discuss how this myth is not entirely true. Undoubtedly, the game took birth amongst the Scots' posh society, but through the years, it has evolved tremendously to be played by the ordinary people. Here are some explanations for the pros and cons of the belief, as mentioned earlier. 

Cost of the game

Major expenses are involved in buying the complete equipment for the sport. The gold equipment, well-polished clubs, golf bag, balls, range finder, skin-friendly gloves, and other assorted items. After you have equipped yourself with the necessary items, you must pay a fancy fee to any golf course you have opted for. The membership to that course allows you to partake in activities required to nurture your amateur skills. The fee might vary from course to course, depending upon your choice of play. The Shadow Creek Golf Course is renowned as the best golf course in the world, also the most expensive golf course to engage in. Golfers dream to be a part of this piece of heaven.

Age no bar

Golf is one single outdoor sport that does not require a huge amount of flexibility or fitness to invest in the field. It is most often termed as “white collar” sport, meaning it is meant only for the rich and posh business folks who indulge in the game to discuss business or other necessary engagement. Therefore, it is a feasible sport for old men and women to play the game as a mere hobby or time pass and not pursue it as a career—safe and sound sport for the elite. The sport does not challenge their skill as a golfer; they see it is a medium to boost their self-growth and flaunt their richness.

This tendency of the elite class taking over an age-old sport reduces the influx of young generation to partake in the grandiose of the game.

Safety of the game

a ball on yard

Unlike other outdoor games, Golf can be called the safest sport when it comes to getting yourself injured. Sports like cricket, badminton, skiing, skydiving, football, basketball, hockey, etc. are prone to regular injuries (small or huge). Sometimes, they can even prove to be lethal. Comparatively, Golf occupies a generous amount of land to cause any sort of injury to the players. No matter what the weather is or what kind of land you are golfing in, players are hardly exposed to any kind of major discomfort like in other sports.


Other than being a stereotypical elite sport, Golf needs immense patience and practice and consume a lot of time to be called an efficient golfer. Amateurs learning the sport often find themselves frustrated with the elaborate and complex set of rules and regulations. It takes sheer dedication and sincerity for a complete understanding of the sport, often rendering people disillusioned with the game or easily giving up on it. However, this stands true for any sport for that say, and a passionate learner will not give in to the difficulties so easily. People take months and months of hardship to master this sport. Must be a reason why the game was obsessively practiced by the early Scots, abandoning their day-to-day chores and assigned duties for the sport.

Demand for courses

With the rapid urbanization of existing marginalized lands, the demand for golf courses has reached its peak. When the game was initially discovered in 15th century Scotland, there were acres of land to be occupied for the sport. Coming back to the 21st century, an era with constricted space for man, let alone a sport, golf courses are rare to find in cities. If they exist at all, the cost of engaging in membership is beyond the middle class's reach. There is hardly any space left in metropolitan cities to make space for a game that is not even pocket-friendly to most of the inhabitants—ultimately leaving behind the sport for the rich to enjoy.

Public and private courses

Owing to the demand for the sport. Places like the UK and the USA have opened public courses for the beginners. There are plenty of differences between Private from  Public Golf Courses, Public courses do not ask for a fee, and if at all they do, it is pocket-friendly for the middle-class society. Amateurs can sharpen their golfing skills in these meadows, and later when they pursue it sincerely, they can invest in courses they find appropriate. The only issue in this otherwise great opportunity is that the fields are usually crowded with more than one player; they might have to wait for a little or adjust with their surroundings.


It is difficult to curb the cost the game brings with itself, but for passionate and diehard golf fans, the sport finds a way into their lives or vice versa. If you are someone looking for a safe and sound sport, feasible for your lifestyle, then Golf is undoubtedly the sport you are looking for.