Most Essential Golf Accessories For Beginners

We all might have come across the sport Golf somewhere in our life. At least we would have heard about it and seen pictures and videos of the same, even though they haven't played it. This game originated in its latest form in Scotland during the 15th century. It is all about hitting boles into a series of holes in as few strokes as possible. The game emerged as a major sports item within a short course of time, and now, world-famous tournaments like ‘The Open Championship’ are being conducted.

If you are planning to get into the world of golf, some things you should know when you start playing golf and prepare a few accessories for your best beginning. Check out some of the most critical and essential golf accessories here.

Golf clubs

It is the essential item a beginner needs. They are clubs used to hit a golf ball during the game. It consists of a shaft with a grip and head. They are usually made of wood, but some clubs are made of iron. Hybrid clubs combining both wood and iron are also getting popular these days. A standard set contains 14 golf clubs with different angles between the club's face and vertical plane. Complete beginner sets that are specially made for beginners are available in the market.

Golf bags

Like the name itself suggests, they are carrying bags to assemble and carry the gaming items. A beginner needs to keep the gaming accessories in place and good condition so that he/she can reduce the risk of miss placing and losing out them. There are different companies manufacturing quality golf bags, and they are available in the market. These bags can also be purchased online.

Golf balls

balls on the yard

Golf balls are necessary, and the game cannot be played without them. You need it whether you are a beginner or not. For beginners, it is always advisable to go for used golf balls because they are surely going to be lost. Used balls can be bought in bulk, and it can save a lot of money. Unlike golf clubs and golf shoes, golf balls cannot be rented, and the players need to buy it for them.

Golf Clothes and Towels

The golf clothes set includes a collared shirt, a pair of slacks, short white socks, and golf shoes. This dress is necessary for beginners because it gives the complete feel of the game, and this feeling is important for one to play well.

Golf towels are another essential thing that cannot be missed out while setting up the bag. They are necessary to wipe the hands and clean the club, and therefore a minimum of two towels are always recommended. Having perfectly dry hands are important because it can affect the way you play.

Pitch mark Repairer

Pitch marks are impressions that are left on the ground after a golf ball hits the turf. It is always important to repair these pitch marks as they can damage the green, and every golfer must take care of the green where they are playing. Pitch mark repairers, as the name itself suggests, are tools used to repair the pitch marks. The pitch fix is one such tool, and they are forks with the help of which marks can be mended.

Golf tees

They are stands with a variety of sizes used to support a ball so that a golfer can strike it. These tees elevate the ball above the ground to a particular height according to the player's need. They also help keep the ball in the perfect position so that the player can make a great shot. They are either made of wood or plastic. Beginners can use both and see which one is comfortable to them because both types behave in different ways and can affect the way you play

Club Brushes

These brushes are used to clean the clubs after every strike or at least after every round. They are essential because after a few strikes, the clubs can become dirty and they need to be cleaned well, or otherwise they can get damaged. If the clubs are made of iron, they can even get rusted and become unusable. Cleaning the clubs with such brushes can keep them in good form and make them last longer.

Golf gloves

These are essential for those people who get sweat fast. Hands with sweat can reduce the grip on the club, and it can affect the play. It is always advisable for beginners to use them because they will give consistency to the way one plays, and wiping hands after every strike is difficult.

Rain Gear

Being a beginner, continuous practice is necessary for becoming a pro in the game. Sometimes the weather may come in the way of your practice, especially rain. In such cases, a rain jacket and rain pants along with rain gloves become necessary. These items will make sure that the player remains dry and play well.

There can be other items that seem necessary, but these are some of the essential items that cannot be missed out while making a new step into the game.