Top 5 Advice That Professors Give To Amateur

Every field has professors and amateurs; because of the experience difference, the professors advise the amateurs or the newbies. Sharing their experience in the field and teaching what they have learned over the years. The amateurs appreciate everything shared by the professors and what they learn from it. The real skill takes time to learn, and thus it is the learning over the years that makes you a professional player. No matter how far you have come, the journey always stays the most important part of the success. Golf is a game that requires a certain skill set but also experiences to be a great player. Let us have a look at what golf professors give advice to the amateurs.

Golf is not a complex game as it has few shots like the drive, the approach, etc. There are some common mistakes made by the amateurs, but it turns out that there are some small hacks that can be used to correct these mistakes. Many experts will suggest different ways to improve your game, but here we talk about expert golfers' top 5 advice.

Hold it right

The first thing that any expert would look at is how to hold the golf stick the right way. You must have the right grip on the golf stick to make a perfect shot. Many amateurs tend to hold the stick right in the middle of the handle, well this is a very basic human instinct, but this very thing prevents them from taking the perfect shot. So, the professors suggest amateurs hold with the club shaft against the little finger pad and then place it in the middle of your index finger. You can identify the difference in the grip easily.

Placement of the Thumb

Now that you know how a pro keeps their grip on the golf stick have a look over your thumb. Most of the amateurs keep their thumb long on the stick that sabotages the backswing. Golf professors suggest amateurs to keep their thumb short on the stick with a little bent in it. The shorten thumb enables a natural braking mechanism at the top of the swing.

Foot positioning

Generally, there is an ideal pressure for you to know how to position your feet, which is 60/40 pressure. The two-foot is named the lead foot, and the trail foot and the weight are transferred from between these two; this process is known as unweighting. By shifting this weight, you can build momentum to insert more power to the swing. Golf professors’ advice not to put more pressure on the trail foot; otherwise, you cannot make the shift. 

Sliding the Hips

The beginner's golfers miss a very major technique used by the pro golfers of taking the right form. If you want to make a solid shot, you need to make sure that you are an incorrect posture; you will see the results in your ball flight. One of the common mistakes that newbies make is that they slide their hip away from the ball, which results in a poor shot. Professors suggest beginners initiate the movement by pivoting motion to maintain the pressure balance. You need to feel your body pivot and turn to the right heel. This way, you will be able to easily shift the pressure from the lead foot to the trail foot.

Lead Arm Movement

Another poor habit that beginner golfer has is taking the lead arm away from the chest while swinging. Because of this motion, the golf stick's clubface rotates, which can lead to wasting all your efforts. You may not be able to find the perfect position and setup again. The fix suggested by experts may not feel comfortable, but it may do wonders in the game. Make sure that you lead the arm into the chest and not away from it. This will help you have full control of your club and keep the clubface towards the ball. You can now make a clear and impactful shot.


All this advice will help you improve your game. Use the suggested top 5 professors' advice given to amateurs by the experts to improve your games. These are some small changes that you can make and keep in mind the next time you are playing golf. The professionals play it well just because of the techniques they use, and they have learned it over time, but now you know it, so makes use of it and shines bright. Focus and practice is the key to achieve significant growth in your golf careers. You need to keep improving your game to become an expert at playing golf, so follow these simple steps and start today.