Top 5 Ways To Succeed In Junior Golf

To all the rookie starters in golf from a young age, it is a blessing that you can start such an early age from the game's point of view. Being a fast starter, you will attain loads of technical knowledge and match experience to become a professional. So enjoy this time because the foundation you lay now will be crucial for a successful golfing career. There are many aspects to the game by virtue of which a junior golfer can achieve desired goals. Let us have a look at them.

Believing in the process

So often than not, you take up an interview with any successful sportsman from any sporting field. They emphasize highly on the process that they went through in their childhood days or training period more than the result. Yes, the daily routine of drills and practice will tend to become frustrating after a few days, but you simply have to stick to it. It has been a proven way to succeed for many individuals and will continue to do so. You have to fall in love with those training periods, to make things easier. More than thinking about the results, it is far more critical to build the game's mental aspect. Practice day in and day out, and keep believing. The results will show on its own. With daily practice, you will achieve proper breathing, enhanced attitude, and self-belief to take on match situations.

Hit it hard and practice short

These two are the most crucial aspects of the game. There is no in-between in most situations, apart from the powerful chip from time to time. Hitting it hard is the primary aspect of the game of golf because a PGA tour has a distance of 8,000 yards from start to the finishing hole. So developing speed and distance is next to none in this game. Now there are two aspects to hitting. One is the range of shot and the other control. First, completely give all your focus to hitting the ball as far as possible, even trying to cross the mark you have set. The second fiddle is accuracy and precision; this will only come after you have learned going long. And no worries with this as it develops relatively easier with practice than long-range hitting.

The short game is where champions are decided to be honest. During the competitive matches, players have to be ruthless to gain the podium. And the short game is the place to be precisely that. A simple slip up in these situations could cost you, and have cost even the great player. So there is no place for mercy in these moments. Most PGA professionals spend around 80-90% of their practice on the short game. The above statement should just end the discussion on the value of the short game.

Get competitive

Competitiveness brings out the best in whatever aspect one may think of. The number of dimensions that open up with some competition remains underrated throughout our life. So get going with a few friends, acquaintances, or join a golf school to always be in touch with the lads ahead of you. Following this, once you have gained some basic knowledge and are doing reasonably well in getting closer to the pit hole within a few strokes. Try your hand on championships. Don't overthink of whatever the result turns out to be. It is just part of the learning curve. You will probably learn a lot more about the mental aspect of the game from your first competitive match than the whole training period that got you there.


From the day you start your golfing journey, keep a separate time to analyze the game you are playing. Watch a few videos of successful golfers, and keep speaking to golfing professionals around you. If you have a tutor, then make the most of it. You are bound to take some time to get the technicalities right. Remember, taking time is not important, but getting comfortable is. So do not just blindly follow your favorite player's grips or postures; make them your own with the consultation of a possible professional near you.

Every day you will be making a new mistake, and that's good only if you identify it yourselves. So go back after each game, give some thought of what you did wrong, and consider possible alternatives at such moments. Thinking about the game will surely improve your performance and make you wiser to try and innovate during crucial stages of the game that demand something out of the blue from you as a player.

Play a lot and have a blast

Getting better at things requires giving time to it, and a lot of it has been a proven recipe for success. Alongside this, have fun; the more engaged you are, the better.

Final Thoughts

Attitude and dedication are the most important part of your routine, so stay connected with your goals for the day. Don’t be afraid to modify your plans according to the circumstances.